Real Assets

Fixed-Income Surveys/Studies Real Assets
Cambridge Adopts New Asset Allocation; To Discuss RFPs Next Month
The $1 billion Cambridge (Mass.) Retirement System approved a new asset allocation last week that
Real Assets Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Batavia Police Preps Consultant RFP
The $25 million Batavia (Ill.) Police Pension Fund is preparing a general investment consultant
Industry News People Moves Real Estate
Kentucky Conducting Asset/Liability Study; Names CIO
The $11.9 billion Kentucky Retirement Systems instructed general investment consultant RVK to
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Texas County & District Makes Commodities Hire
The $24.5 billion Texas County & District Retirement System approved the hire of a long-only
Domestic Equity Alternatives Real Assets
Houston Muni Adds Mid-Cap, Private Markets Mandates
The $2.4 billion Houston Municipal Employees Pension System made a domestic mid-cap equity manager
Equity Real Assets ESG
Smith Makes Commitment to Sustainable Equity Fund
Smith College committed $1 million to a sustainable global equities fund managed by
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
NM PERA To Issue Emerging Market Debt RFP; Recommending U.S. Equity Changes
The $14.6 billion New Mexico Public Employees Retirement Association will issue an RFP for emerging
Real Estate Surveys/Studies Real Assets
LACERS May Restart Multi-Strategy Real Assets Search
The $13.9 billion Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System may restart a multi-strategy real
Real Estate Alternatives Equity
Michigan Plan Hires Int'l Equity
The $60.2 billion Michigan State Retirement System hired two international equity managers to
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
While We Were Away...
• The $221 million City of Erie (Pa.) Retirement Fund has issued its RFPs for active domestic