Real Assets

Real Estate Equity Real Assets
Wilfrid Laurier Eyeing Real Estate, Infrastructure; Hires Global Equity Mgrs.
The approximately $350 million Wilfrid Laurier University pension plan is discussing the
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Arkansas Teachers Reconfigures Asset Allocation
The $11.6 billion Arkansas Teacher Retirement System reclassified its real estate asset class and
Real Estate Real Assets
Calif. County Makes Private Commitments
The $5.95 billion Contra Costa County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association approved four
Hedge Funds Alternatives Fixed-Income
Pa. County Makes Alts. Investments
The $766 million Retirement Board of Allegheny County (Pa.) made three investments totaling $8
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Vermont To Review Real Assets Program; Adds Two Mgrs.
The $365 million University of Vermont endowment will review its real assets program at an
Real Estate Real Assets
South Florida Approves Operating Fund Hires
The University of South Florida approved a trio of new managers within its $500 million
Real Estate Alternatives Fixed-Income
New Mexico Makes Int'l Equity, Bank Loan Hires
The $16.8 billion New Mexico State Investment Council hired nine international equity managers to
Industry News Real Estate Alternatives
North Carolina Makes Alts. Commitments
The $81 billion North Carolina Retirement Systems has approved approximately $772 million in
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Alaska Permanent Authorizes Internally-Managed Programs
The $47 billion Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation authorized the creation of internally-managed
Domestic Equity Small-Cap Fixed-Income
Denver Approves Manager Changes
The $1.9 billion Denver Employees Retirement System approved an equity manager termination and a