The plan established a 2% allocation to the asset class earlier this year.
The plan will discuss potential real estate and infrastructure allocations at its August board meeting after opting to redeem from its core real estate manager yesterday.
The plan made commitments totaling up to $321.4 million this week and was informed of a private equity co-investment.
The strategic plan calls for committing $300 million to the asset class.
The plan approved commitments to two existing managers.
The endowment added growth equity, buyout and natural resources commitments in March.
The search stems from the addition of a new 5% target to the asset class established earlier this year.
The plan made follow-on commitments totaling $925 million.
The plan approved an infrastructure commitment at its investment committee meeting this week.
The plan hired a firm to handle its maiden commodities allocation and committed to an existing private equity manager yesterday.