The plan placed an emerging markets equity manager on watch for performance reasons.
The plan also disclosed several alternatives commitments approved at a board meeting today.
The plan located in our nation’s capital approved a search for active international equity managers.
The pension plan has not had consultant coverage for private equity, private debt and private infrastructure.
The plan disclosed new private commitments made in recent months.
The asset classes were recommended by the OPEB trust’s new general investment consultant.
The university approved private equity and real assets commitments within its endowment fund at its November investment committee meeting.
The trust fund is preparing to conduct an asset allocation study for one of its portfolios, the first since 2022, as it continues to build out its alternative asset classes, including private equity and real assets.
The pension plan committed up to $80 million to a new manager relationship.
The plan will receive presentations from a credit manager and a farmland manager in the coming months.