Real Assets

Real Assets
Midwest Plan Bolsters Real Assets, RE Portfolios

Plan committed up to $130 million to two funds this week.

Real Assets
Midwest Plan Makes Real Assets Commitments, Long Volatility/Tail Risk Hires

The plan also made several adjustments to its traditional growth portfolio at its meeting last week.

Real Estate
Midwest Plan Adds RE Commitment

Plan committed $50 million to a new core-plus real estate manager this month.

Southern University Foundation Increasing Pvt. Markets, Real Assets Targets

A university in the South revised the target asset allocation for its endowment last month, increasing its allocations to private markets and real assets.

Louisiana Plan Adds Infrastructure; Fills Private Credit Allocation

The plan approved a new 3% target to infrastructure following an education from its general investment consultant.

Northwest State Plan Hires Cash Overlay Mgr.; Bolsters PE Portfolio

The plan replaced the cash overlay provider for its Commingled Trust Fund and approved two private equity commitments yesterday.

Midwest Plan Adds Commitments

Plan added infrastructure and private equity buyout commitments at today’s meeting.

Real Estate
Texas Plan Reviewing Real Estate/Real Assets Portfolio

The plan will look to identify potential diversification opportunities outside core real estate to increase its expected return.

Private Equity
Calif. Plan Adds PE Commitments

The plan added a private equity commitment with an existing manager and two real assets commitments with a new manager last week.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Mid-Atlantic Foundation Adds Investments Through Gender And Racial Equity Lens Initiative

Three new investments were added to the foundation’s endowment as part of its gender and racial equity lens initiative to invest 25% of its portfolio with firms majority-owned by women and/or people of color.
