Real Assets

Real Assets
Mid-Atlantic Employees Plan Adds Real Assets Commitment

A Mid-Atlantic employees pension plan has committed $40 million to a new liquid real assets commitment.

Sustainability Risks Can Affect Portfolios In Various Ways And Crises Present Opportunities: Report

The world’s health and environment-related crises continue to highlight how sustainability risks can affect portfolios in a wide-ranging manner, according to new research.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Southern University Foundation Considers EME Replacement, Makes RE Commitment

A university foundation in the South considered replacing an emerging markets equity manager and made a real estate commitment at its August meeting.

Real Assets
Illinois Plan Makes Farmland Commitment

An Illinois pension fund made a first-time commitment to farmland at its investment committee meeting today.

Searches And Hires
West Coast Plan Creates Maiden PE, Treasuries Allocations

A West Coast pension fund has created maiden allocations to private equity and U.S. Treasuries.

Windy City Health Trust Discloses Equity Mgr. Changes

A health care trust based in the Windy City terminated one equity manager and funded another in recent months.

West Coast Plan Conducting Small-Cap Core Equity Search

A pension fund on the West Coast has begun a consultant-led domestic small-cap core equity manager search.

Daily Feed
Calif. County Watching Int’l Small-Cap Manager

A county pension fund in California is watching its international small-cap equity manager following a key personnel departure.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Nonprofit Asset Manager Reopens Diverse Manager Portal

A nonprofit asset manager has reopened its online diverse manager portal to receive due diligence materials from women and minority managers on a permanent basis this week.

Real Assets
Midwest Plan Adds New Asset Class; Approves Real Estate Pacing Plan

A Midwestern plan added a new asset class and approved a real estate pacing plan at its investment committee/board meeting today.
