Real Assets

Asset Study/Review
Southwest Plan Approves A/A, New Asset Classes

A Southwestern pension plan will introduce several new asset classes after approving a new target asset allocation this week.

Asset Study/Review
Calif. Plan Slates New Asset Allocation Changes

A California pension plan will add two new asset classes to its strategic allocation this week.

Connecticut Plan Makes Private Equity Commitment

A Connecticut-based pension plan made a $10 million private equity commitment at its board meeting on Friday.

COVID-19 News
Consultants, Nonprofits Discuss Taking Cautious Approach In Preparing For Future Opportunities

Foundations and endowments are taking a cautious approach to the markets and when to capitalize on upcoming investment opportunities the coronavirus pandemic will provide long-term investors.

Northeast Plan Bolsters Alternatives Portfolios

A Northeastern pension plan added commitments in private equity, real estate and real assets last month.

Master Limited Partnership
Western Plan Axes MLP Allocation

A Western pension plan eliminated its Master Limited Partnerships allocation last quarter.

Southwest Plan Plots Non-Core Fixed-Income Search

A Southwestern pension plan will conduct a search to fill a new non-core fixed-income allocation.

MRI/Social Investments
Northeast University To Divest From Fossil Fuels In Next Decade

A university in the Northeast will divest its endowment from fossil fuel investments over the next decade.

MRI/Social Investments
New England University Halts Investments In Fossil Fuels

A New England university has stopped investing in fossil fuel companies and is in the process of selling its exposure to fossil fuels.

Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
West Coast Plan Issues Real Assets Consultant RFP

A city and county pension fund on the West Coast has begun its search for a real assets consultant.
