A Southwestern pension plan has disclosed recent real estate and infrastructure commitments.
A West Coast pension plan disclosed recent alternatives commitments and will commence an asset allocation study later this month.
A Rocky Mountain pension plan has eliminated its Master Limited Partnerships allocation.
Nonprofits should focus on the purpose various alternative asset classes serve in their portfolio across market cycles as the unprecedented bull market continues into 2020, industry experts say.
A pair of Midwestern pension plans hired a real assets manager last month.
A Southwestern employees pension plan will issue RFPs to fill three new asset class portfolios.
A California pension plan has hired two infrastructure managers to fill out a new allocation to the asset class.
A Northeast plan adopted a new farmland allocation as part of a completed asset allocation study.
A Midwestern employees pension plan approved an RFP for private infrastructure fund managers last week.
A Midwestern pension plan hired a new private equity consultant this week.