A pension fund in the Midwest has selected three finalists in its open-end private infrastructure equity manager search.
A Mid-Atlantic state pension plan added a pair of alternatives commitments last month.
A Southwestern pension plan added a pair of commitments within its diversifying assets portfolio.
A Pennsylvania-based university is pursuing renewable energy investments.
A Southern university system is slowly transitioning its endowment to a new target asset allocation approved in the second quarter.
A West Coast county plan approves private markets implementation plan.
A pension plan in Texas approved a search for global macro managers at a meeting this week.
A Midwestern plan approved hires in its searches for alternative risk premia and systematic trend following managers.
Pension plans are beginning to dump Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) after losing patience with an asset class that largely has not lived up to expectations.
A Midwestern pension trust has issued RFPs for both infrastructure and real estate managers.