Real Assets

Real Assets Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Western Plans Narrow Consultant Search

Two pension plans in the West have narrowed their general investment consultant search.

Southern Plan Approves Maiden Infrastructure Hire

A pension plan in the South approved a maiden infrastructure manager hire at last month’s board meeting.

Inflation Protection
Ohio School Adjusts Its Target Asset Allocation

A university in Ohio has adjusted its asset allocation targets and reinvested some of its portfolio.

Real Assets
Northeast University Redeems From Natural Resources Manager

A university in the Northeast fully redeemed its investment in a global natural resources manager and invested the proceeds in a fixed-income manager this summer.

Conference Coverage
Climate Risks Factors Necessary For Nonprofit Portfolio Modeling, Assumptions: Panel

Consequences of climate change and stranded assets must be incorporated into investment portfolios as a risk factor to protect against future downside dangers.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Teachers Plan Terminates MLP, Active Large-Cap Managers

A Midwest pension plan terminated its MLP and active U.S. large-cap equity managers.

Credit/Private Debt
Northeast Plan Slates Credit Mgr. Interviews; Concludes Real Assets Search

A Northeast pension plan has selected short-term quality credit managers for interviews next month.

Real Assets
Midwest City Plan Slates Real Estate, Infrastructure Searches

A Midwestern city pension plan will launch searches for both real estate and infrastructure managers.

Real Assets
Midwest State Plan Eliminates Real Assets Allocation

A Midwestern state retirement system eliminated its real assets allocation at a board meeting held last week.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northwest Plan Concludes Emerging Markets Equity Mgr. Search

A Northwest state plan has concluded a search for emerging markets equity managers.
