Real Assets

Domestic Equity Fixed-Income Real Assets
Mass. Plan Slates Q4 Investment Manager Searches
The $154 million Woburn (Mass.) Retirement System expects to conduct searches for two domestic
Equity Real Assets
Ky. Foundation Adds Int'l Equity, Infrastructure Managers
The Kentucky Baptist Foundation has recently added international equity and global infrastructure
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
New York Common Discloses New Commitments
The $207.4 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund disclosed nearly $1.3 billion in new
Domestic Equity Real Assets Private Equity
University Of Calgary Names PE, Infrastructure Consultant
The University of Calgary recently hired investment consultant Albourne to assist with the buildout
Real Assets
Texas Land Office Increases Real Assets Commitment
The Texas General Land Office approved increasing a commitment to an existing real assets
Real Assets Infrastructure
Illinois Municipal Seeking Closed-End Infrastructure Funds
The $41.3 billion Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund has issued an RFP for closed-end unlisted
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
San Francisco Discloses Private Commitments
The $25.6 billion San Francisco City and County Employees’ Retirement System disclosed private
Equity Real Assets Infrastructure
Phoenix Makes Emerging Markets Equity Hires; Taps Neuberger Berman For Infrastructure, Natural Resources
The $2.6 billion City of Phoenix Employees Retirement System made two emerging markets equity
Fixed-Income Equity Real Assets
Houston Places Managers On Watch; Adds HF, PE, RA
The University of Houston has placed Asian equity, real assets and fixed-income managers on its
Fixed-Income Real Assets Emerging/Diverse Managers
Chicago Muni. Slates Infrastructure RFP; Emerging MoM Finalist Interviews
The $4.1 billion Municipal Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago will issue an