Real Assets

Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
LACERA Issues Specialized Consultants RFP
The $55.6 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association has issued its RFP
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Rhode Island Makes Private Commitments
The $8.3 billion Employees Retirement System of Rhode Island approved $75 million in private
Alternatives Real Assets
Utah Eyes Private Debt; Enters Real Assets Fund-Of-One
The approximately $1 billion University of Utah continues to look to add private debt investments
Alternatives Real Assets Credit/Private Debt
Calif. County Discloses Private Investments
The $9.2 billion Sacramento County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System disclosed three private
Hedge Funds Alternatives Real Assets
Penn. Public School Retains Aon Hewitt; Approves Commitments
The $55.3 billion Pennsylvania Public School Employees’ Retirement System retained its general
Alternatives Real Assets Private Equity
Maine Bolsters Private Markets Portfolio
The $14.4 billion Maine Public Employees Retirement System approved up to approximately $275
Fixed-Income Real Assets Emerging/Diverse Managers
LACERA To Conduct Real Assets, Specialty Consultant & TIPS Searches; Makes Emerging Mgr. Hires
The $56 billion Los Angeles County (Calif.) Employees Retirement Association approved searching for
Real Estate Real Assets
Louisiana School Makes Private Commitments
The $1.9 billion Louisiana School Employees’ Retirement System made private real estate and real
Fixed-Income Equity Real Assets
Dallas P&F To Receive Initial Review, Recommendations From New Consultant Meketa
The $2.1 billion Dallas Police & Fire Pension System will hear various long-term asset allocation
Real Assets Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Washington Scoping Tangible Asset Consultant Universe
The $129.1 billion Washington State Investment Board has issued a request for qualifications and