A Northeast pension plan will issue RFPs for private equity and real estate managers.
A New England pension plan has issued RFPs for private equity and real estate managers.
A Texas pension plan hired a firm to provide consulting services for a range of alternative asset classes yesterday.
A Washington, D.C.-based organization is seeking direct equity, convertible and mezzanine debt, credit, infrastructure, venture capital and real estate strategies that have a positive developmental impact.
A Southern trust fund is looking for real estate opportunities following the termination of a fund in the third quarter.
A Midwestern pension plan will seek approval to liquidate a real estate fund.
A Texas pension plan has disclosed several private markets commitments made in November.
A state teacher plan in the Southeast will target a total of $570 million in real assets and private equity commitments next year.
Four county plans in the Mid-Atlantic region have made real estate hires.
A Northeastern university is looking to hire natural resources investment staffers to assist in the portfolio management process.