The plan made several commitments in alternatives asset classes in November and December.
The plan also committed to a non-core real estate fund and will redeem from a core fund.
The pension plan liquidated its approximately $210 million domestic small- to mid-cap growth equity and made commitments totaling $120.5 million in November.
The plan last conducted a real estate consultant search in 2017.
The pension plan created stand-alone target allocations for real estate and infrastructure and recently added a new member to its investment staff.
The plan committed to three real estate funds for pacing purposes.
The pension plan liquidated an approximately $237 million global equity mandate and made commitments totaling $1.4 billion in October.
The plan is looking to place a total of $300 million in core, value-add and opportunistic strategies.
The plan added $100 million across three new commitments this month.
The plans terminated their core real estate manager last month.