Real Estate

Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Cincinnati Eliminates Hedge Funds As Part of New A/A
The $2.1 billion Cincinnati Retirement System eliminated its hedge fund portfolio as part of a new
Real Estate Alternatives Non-U.S. & Global Equity
San Diego City Posts Real Estate Consultant RFP
The $6.7 billion San Diego City Employees Retirement System has issued its RFP for real estate
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
La. Municipal Slates Infrastructure, Passive TIPS Searches
The $734 million Municipal Employees Retirement System of Louisiana will conduct searches for
Domestic Equity Real Estate Hedge Funds
Florida State Board Discloses Q1 Investments
The $179 billion Florida State Board of Administration added nearly $1.7 billion in new investments
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Louisiana Deferred Comp Makes Lineup Changes
The $1.4 billion Louisiana Deferred Compensation Plan is streamlining its fund lineup, according to
Real Estate
Mass. Plan Calls On Value-Add, Opportunistic RE Firms
The $43 million Swampscott (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has issued an RFP for real estate
Real Estate Emerging/Diverse Managers
NEPC Issues Emerging Real Estate RFI
Investment consultant NEPC has issued an RFI for emerging real estate managers to better survey the
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
NM Educational Adds New Investments; Wraps Up Smid-Cap Search
The $11.1 billion New Mexico Educational Retirement Board approved nearly $300 million in new
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Washington Taps $2 Billion In New Alts. Commitments
The $105 billion Washington State Investment Board approved nearly $2 billion in new alternatives
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Michigan Slates Natural Resources Commitment
 The University of Michigan is seeking approval for a commitment to a natural resources manager