Real Estate

Va. Pension Adds Private Markets Commitments; To Consider Pacing Plan

The pension plan made private markets commitments totaling $16.25 million last month and will consider a 2024 pacing plan this week.

Credit/Private Debt
Northeast City Pension To Issue Private Debt RFP

The RFP will be issued next month as part of a private markets pacing plan.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Northeast Pension Issues Five Manager RFPs

The searches are for international small-cap equity, emerging markets equity, real estate, private equity and private debt managers.

Nonprofit News Special Report 2024: Alternatives Investments Outlook

Nonprofits still see opportunities in alternative asset classes, like smaller or specialized buyout strategies, venture funds or private debt strategies that benefit from macro trends like the higher interest rates, rapid development of artificial intelligence or transition to clean energy.

Real Estate
Global Manager Closes Latest Value-Add Real Estate Fund

The firm’s latest fund targeting value-added investments in hotels across the U.S. was oversubscribed after receiving commitments from endowments, foundations, public and corporate pension plans, insurance companies and wealth management firms.

Texas Plan Makes Alts. Commitments

The plan made several commitments in alternatives asset classes in November and December.

Midwest Pension Makes Maiden Infrastructure Commitments

The plan also committed to a non-core real estate fund and will redeem from a core fund.

Domestic Equity
Northeast Pension Terminates U.S. Equity Manager; Discloses Commitments

The pension plan liquidated its approximately $210 million domestic small- to mid-cap growth equity and made commitments totaling $120.5 million in November.

Mid-Atlantic State Pension Issues RE Consultant RFP

The plan last conducted a real estate consultant search in 2017.

Asset Study/Review
Midwest Pension Plan Tweaks A/A; Hires Associate Investment Officer

The pension plan created stand-alone target allocations for real estate and infrastructure and recently added a new member to its investment staff.
