Real Estate

Emerging/Diverse Managers
NYC To Expand Emerging Manager Programs

Expansions will help the systems reach their goal of having 15% of U.S.-based actively managed investment assets with diverse-owned firms by 2025 and 20% by 2029.

Real Estate
Florida Pension Makes Real Estate Commitments

The pension fund added $11 million in non-core real estate commitments at today’s board meeting.

Domestic Equity
Southern Pension Plan Hires Large-Cap Growth Mgr.; Adds RE Commitment

The pension plan hired a new domestic large-cap growth equity manager and committed to an existing opportunistic real estate manager today.

Real Estate
Pacific Northwest Pension Approves Real Estate Commitments

The plan approved two non-core real estate strategies at a meeting today.

Texas Pension Bolsters Private Markets Portfolios

Retirement fund made real estate debt and private equity commitments at the end of the third quarter.

Northeast State Pension Considering $1 Billion To Private Markets

The commitments include private credit, infrastructure, farmland and real estate.

Southern College Savings Plan Replaces Commodity Manager, Places RE Manager On Watch

The plan replaced a commodities manager and added a global real estate manager to its watch list in the third quarter.

Domestic Equity
Southern Fund Extends Watch List Status For Firm; Transitions Real Estate Manager

The fund extended the watch list status for one of its domestic equity managers during its August board meeting despite improved performance over the last three quarters.

Credit/Private Debt
Midwest Retirement System Slates Credit Search; Axes Three Mgrs.

The retirement system agreed to launch an evergreen private debt manager search and terminate three managers as part of a new asset allocation policy.

Real Estate
Florida F&P Pension To Interview Value-Add RE Firms

The two finalists were selected yesterday and will interview with the plan’s board in November.
