Real Estate

Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Miami Beach Plan Makes RE Hire; Consultant RFP In July
The $510 million Miami Beach General Retirement System hired J.P. Morgan Asset Management to handle
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Connecticut Makes Currency Overlay, Real Estate Hires; Increases HF Allocation
The $28.2 billion State of Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds hired two currency overlay
Real Estate Fixed-Income Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Guam Plan Seeking High-Yield, Global REITs Managers
The $1.6 billion Government of Guam Retirement Fund has issued its RFPs for domestic high-yield
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
LACERS Begins Emerging Manager Search; Approves RE Plan
The $13.6 billion Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System today issued its RFP for domestic
Real Estate
Adams County Adds Real Estate Commitment
The $227 million Adams County (Colo.) Retirement Plan approved a new real estate commitment earlier
Real Estate Alternatives
Canadian School Seeks Private Debt, Real Estate
Concordia University is searching for private debt and private real estate managers to
Real Estate
Hartford Makes Real Estate Commitments
The $1 billion City of Hartford Municipal Employees’ Retirement Fund has made two real estate
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Houston Police Nabs Alternatives Commitments
The $4.1 billion Houston Police Officers Pension System approved alternatives commitments totaling
Domestic Equity Real Estate
New Orleans Makes Non-Core RE Hire; Narrows Large-Cap Core Search
The $370 million City of New Orleans Employees Retirement System hired two non-core real estate
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Kentucky Teachers Plan Makes Asset Allocation Adjustment
The $17.5 billion Kentucky Teachers’ Retirement System made a slight change to its target asset