Real Estate

Midwest State Pension To Issue High-Yield Bond, REIT RFPs

The searches are part of an implementation plan following approval of a new asset allocation in May.

Northeast Plan Concludes Consultant Search; Makes Commitments

The plan concluded its investment consultant and private investment consultant searches that began last year, retaining its general consultant and hiring a new private investment consultant.

Real Estate
Midwest Pension Plan Approves Core, Non-Core Real Estate RFPs

The plan will target $110 million to core managers and $60 million to non-core emerging real estate managers.

Private Equity
Northeast Pension Plan Interviews PE Firms; Makes RE Hires

The plan initiated both searches earlier this year for pacing purposes.

Credit/Private Debt
New England Pension Approves Private Debt RFP

The plan also made an infrastructure commitment at a board meeting today.

Real Estate
Midwest Plan To Fund RE Mgr. Hire; Adopts New Asset Allocation

The plan approved a new real estate manager structure that factored in the implementation of a recent manager hire and adopted a new asset allocation last month.

Wisconsin Plan Posts Private Markets Consultant RFP

The plan is seeking one or more firms to provide non-discretionary consulting services for three asset classes.

West Coast University Wraps Up Climate Consultant Search; Makes RE, HF Investments

The institution selected a climate reporting consultant following a search from February and added hedge fund and real estate investments with existing managers during the first quarter.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Illinois Pension Slates International Equity RFP

The plan will issue an RFP for ACWI ex-U.S. managers in the coming weeks.

Credit/Private Debt
Southern Pension Names Add'l Multi-Asset Credit Finalists

The plan will hire one additional firm in its multi-credit asset class search.
