Real Estate

Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Milwaukee County Preps Domestic SCV, EME Searches; Shakes Up Asset Allocation
The $1.76 billion Milwaukee County (Wis.) Employees Retirement System will conduct searches for
Real Estate Equity Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mass. Plan To Issue Emerging Markets Equity RFP
The $329 million Brockton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System will issue an RFP for an emerging
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Arizona Makes Alts. Commitment
The $7 billion Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System made private commitments totaling
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Xavier Eyeing Private Equity, Real Estate
The approximately $124 million Xavier University endowment investment committee is discussing new
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Treasury Eyes Long/Short Commodities; Makes Commitments
The $3.2 billion Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company endowment is discussing long/short
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Florida Foundation Approves Alts.; Monitors Small-Cap
The $61 million University of West Florida Foundation approved two alternatives allocations during
Real Estate Equity Real Assets
Penn State Approves Commitments
The $1.9 billion Pennsylvania State University endowment approved multiple commitments, largely to
Real Estate Fixed-Income Equity
New Orleans Seeking Int'l Value Equity; To Bolster Real Estate
The $344 million New Orleans Employees Retirement System is searching for an international value
Real Estate Fixed-Income
Lauderhill Fire Seeking Core-Plus Real Estate
The $48 million Lauderhill (Fla.) Firefighter’s Pension Fund is searching for core-plus real estate
Real Estate Fixed-Income
UPDATE: Mass. Town Issues Real Estate RFP
The $75 million North Attleboro (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System has issued its RFP for core