Real Estate

Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Nevada PERS Authorizes Real Estate Search, Hires Investment Consultant Led By Former CIO
The $23 billion Nevada Public Employees Retirement System has authorized staff to conduct a search
Real Estate
Mass. Plan Seeking Real Estate Mgrs.
The $665 million Plymouth County (Mass.) Retirement Association today reissued an RFP for a real
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Chicago Laborers To Issue Hedge FoF RFP
The $1.4 billion Laborers’ and Retirement Board Employees’ Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago has
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Washington Makes Private Equity, Real Estate Commitments
The $80 billion Washington State Investment Board approved commitments to private equity and real
Real Estate
Georgia Firefighters Hires DoubleLine
The $580 million Georgia Firefighters Pension Fund has hired DoubleLine Capital to handle
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
South Carolina Approves $480 Million In Manager Hires
The $25 billion South Carolina Retirement System Investment Commission approved several manager
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Texas Permanent Finance Committee Approves Strategic Partnerships
The approximately $23 billion Texas Permanent School Fund selected Blackstone Group and
Real Estate
Florida Plan Tabs Real Estate Manager
The $39 million Jupiter (Fla.) Police Pension Fund has hired American Realty Advisors to manage a
Domestic Equity Real Estate Small-Cap
Aurora City (Colo.) Places Two Managers On Watch
The $313 million Aurora City (Colo.) General Employees Retirement Plan has placed two investment
Real Estate
Arkansas Public, Judicial Make Real Estate Hires
The $6.4 billion Arkansas Public Employees Retirement System hired two value-added real