Real Estate

Real Estate
New England Plan Approves Real Estate RFP; Concludes Fixed-Income Search

The plan approved an RFP seeking value-add real estate managers to handle $7 million.

Private Equity
Northeast Plan Makes Commitments

The plan made private equity and real estate commitments with two new managers and five existing managers in March.

Florida Makes Core-Plus Hires; Adds To PE, Strategic Investments Portfolios

The plan added two core-plus fixed-income managers to the portfolio and made 11 alternatives commitments in the first quarter.

Credit/Private Debt
Southeast Plan Approves Credit Portfolio Structure; Hires Short-Duration FI Mgr.

The plan agreed to utilize a fund-of-one manager to implement its maiden private credit allocation and hired a short-duration fixed-income manager this week.

Hedge Funds
Northeast Plan Restructuring Risk Mitigating Strategies Portfolio

The plan will add six managers to the portfolio over the next six to nine months in a restructuring that will also see staggered terminations.

Southwest Plan Approves Alternative Commitments

The commitments include two new manager relationships.

Private Equity
Southern City Plan Adds PE Commitment; Extinguishes RE Manager

The plan committed to a new private equity manager relationship and trimmed its real estate portfolio.

Real Estate
Mid-Atlantic City Plan Hires Core Real Estate Manager

The plan concluded its core real estate replacement search at a meeting last week.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Southwest Plan Terminates EME Manager

The termination follows a completed asset/liability study.

West Coast Plan Discloses Private Markets Commitments

The plan committed to three funds run by new manager relationships.
