Real Estate

Real Estate
Fairfield Slates Real Estate Interviews
The $290 million Town of Fairfield (Conn.) Retirement Fund will interview three commingled real
Real Estate
Ohio Highway Seeking Timber Mgr.
The $750 million Ohio State Highway Patrol Retirement System has issued its RFP for timber managers
Real Estate
Fort Worth Makes Real Estate Hire
The $1.7 billion Fort Worth (Texas) Employees Retirement Fund hired international value-added real
Real Estate
OBWC Issues Core Real Estate RFP
The $21.8 billion Ohio Bureau of Workers Compensation has issued its RFP for domestic core
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Ohio Police & Fire Approves Real Estate Plan; Makes PE Commitments
The $11.4 billion Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund has approved a real estate plan for next
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
California Discusses Tail Risk Strategies; Reviews Real Estate Program
The University of California received an education on the use of tail risk hedging
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Oregon System Slates 2012 Real Estate, PE Build Outs
The $61 million Oregon State System of Higher Education Endowment Fund is planning to build out its
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Michigan Makes Absolute Return, Private Commitments
The University of Michigan is seeking approval of a new absolute return manager for its
Domestic Equity Real Estate Alternatives
Illinois Teachers To Seek PE Co-Investment Advisor
The $37.5 billion Teachers Retirement System of the State of Illinois has approved a search for an
Real Estate
Mass. Plan Eyeing Timber RFP
The $670 million Worcester (Mass.) Retirement System may issue an RFP for a timber manager in