Real Estate

Real Estate
Davie Police Seeking Real Estate Managers
The $66 million Town of Davie (Fla.) Police Pension Plan is searching for core and core-plus real
Real Estate
R.I. Plan Hires For Real Estate
The $80 million City of Newport (R.I) Pension Plan hired UBS Realty Advisors as its first
Real Estate
Pa. County Seeking Real Estate
The $45 million Fayette County (Pa.) Employees Retirement Fund has issued an RFQ for a core real
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
MassPRIM Hires Real Estate Manager, Makes PE Commitments
The $45.4 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board today hired
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
North Carolina Increases Credit, Inflation Protection & Private Equity Allocations, Adds Timber
The $66.8 billion North Carolina Retirement System has adopted a new asset allocation that
Real Estate
LACERS Issues Real Estate RFI
The $9 billion Los Angeles City Employees Retirement System has issued its RFI for a real
Real Estate
Taunton Makes Timber Hires
The $170 million Taunton (Mass.) Contributory Retirement System hired two timber managers to handle
Real Estate
Pa. County Makes First Real Estate Hire
The $165 million Erie County (Pa.) Employees Retirement System recently made a $7 million core real
Real Estate
CalPERS Terminates BlackRock From Real Estate Portfolio
The $212 billion California Public Employees Retirement System announced yesterday it has
Real Estate Alternatives
Texas Permanent Approves Real Estate Mgrs.; Risk Parity RFP To Be Released Soon
The approximately $23 billion Texas Permanent School Fund approved commitments to real