Real Estate

Real Estate
Cambridge Hires 2 Real Estate Firms
The $670 million Cambridge (Mass.) Retirement System has hired two value-added real estate
Real Estate Alternatives Real Assets
Oklahoma Foundation May Increase Non-Marketable Alts.
The approximately $252 million Baptist Foundation of Oklahoma could increase its
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Manchester Discusses Commercial Real Estate
The $133 million Manchester (N.H.) Employees Contributory Retirement System has asked
Real Estate Real Assets
San Antonio Fire & Police Discusses Commodities, Eyes Real Estate
The $1.8 billion San Antonio Fire & Police Pension Fund discussed a commodities
Real Estate
Memphis Seeking Value-Added Real Estate
The $1.6 billion City of Memphis Retirement System is currently searching for a value-added real
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Arkansas Teachers Makes Real Estate, PE Commitments
The $10 billion Arkansas State Teachers Retirement System made $190 million in commitments
Domestic Equity Real Estate Equity
MassPrim Hires SSgA For Passive Equity
The $42.2 billion Massachusetts Pension Reserves Investment Management Board today hired
Real Estate
Chicago Teachers Seeking Non-Core Real Estate
The $9.2 billion Public School Teachers’ Pension & Retirement Fund of Chicago has issued
Real Estate
Manchester Eyes Distressed Real Estate
The $118 million Manchester (Conn.) Retirement Allowance Fund is discussing the
Real Estate Hedge Funds Alternatives
Chicago Police Issues Non-Core Real Estate RFP, Global Macro Set For Next Week
The $3.18 billion Chicago Policemen’s Annuity & Benefit Fund is searching for non-core