Real Estate

Asset Study/Review
Florida P&F Plan Sets 2023 Work Plan

The plan will look to add private credit, re-establish its private equity portfolio, add complementary real estate strategies and evaluate its domestic equity portfolio this year.

Nonprofit News Special Report: 2023 Alternative Investments Outlook

As nonprofit investors expect market volatility to continue, with the possibility of an economic recession on the horizon, many are seeking early-stage private equity, private debt, real estate, infrastructure or hedge fund strategies to capitalize on macro trends that include a slowdown in economic growth, rising inflation, emerging technologies and demographic trends.

People Moves
Southern Real Estate Firm Promotes Asset Mgr. To V.P.

The value-add real estate manager has promoted an asset manager to v.p. of asset management to oversee its asset management team and take over responsibility for risk management.

Real Assets
Virginia Plan Discloses Private Markets Commitments; To Consider Pacing Plan

The plan made natural resources and real estate commitments last month and will consider a 2023 private markets pacing plan this week.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
West Coast Plan Placing GQG On Watch

The watch status is due to a co-portfolio manager’s abrupt departure from the firm.

People Moves
Asset Manager Hires Global Head Of Real Estate

Firm’s new global head of real estate will lead the growth of its Canadian and U.K. real estate platforms in key markets.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. City Plan Mulling Multi-Asset Credit Hires; Axes Two Mgrs.

The plan will consider multi-asset credit manager recommendations in March and terminated mandates with GMO and MetLife last week.

Asset Study/Review
Mid-Atlantic Plans Increase Private Markets Targets

The changes followed two separate asset/liability studies from general investment consultant Verus.

Real Assets
Calif. Plan To Issue Real Assets Emerging Mgr. Program RFP

The plan expects to approve a recommendation in the third quarter.

West Coast Plan Approves RE, PE Pacing Plans

The pacing plans will target a combined $625 million to the two asset classes.
