Real Estate

Real Estate
Penn. Municipal Hires TIAA-CREF
The $1.32 billion Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Association selected TIAA-CREF as a co-investor
Domestic Equity Real Estate
Imperial Allocates 5% To Real Estate; Eyes Emerging Markets
The $430 million Imperial County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System is looking for real estate
Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
S.F. To Issue RFP for Real Estate Consultant
The San Francisco City & County Employees Retirement System will issue an RFP for a real estate
Domestic Equity Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Clinton Police & Fire May Look To Direct Real Estate
The $88 million Clinton Township (Mich.) Police & Fire Retirement System is considering looking for
Real Estate
Chicago Teachers Discusses Int'l Real Estate Search
The $9.5 billion Public School Teachers’ Pension and Retirement Fund of Chicago was expected to
Real Estate
CalPERS Seeking Public Real Estate Equity Securities
The $207.1 billion California Public Employees Retirement System will issue an RFP tomorrow for
Domestic Equity Real Estate
Ohio School Hires Fillmore, Reviewing Search Proposals
The Ohio School Employees Retirement System hired Fillmore Capital Partners to manage up to $30
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Texas Teachers Makes Hires; Adopts New Investment Policy
The Teachers Retirement System of Texas hired GMAC Commercial Realty Partners II, private equity
Domestic Equity Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Montana Set For International Equity, Real Estate Searches
The $11.2 billion Montana State Board of Investment will issue an RFP for international equity
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Calif. County To Issue Consultant RFPs Tomorrow
The $1.6 billion Santa Barbara County (Calif.) Employees Retirement System will issue RFPs tomorrow