Real Estate

Real Estate
OPERS To Invest $1.1 billion In Real Estate In 2006
The $58 billion Ohio Public Employees Retirement System is in the process of reviewing suggestions
Real Estate
Pompano Beach Eyes REITs
The $160 million Pompano Beach (Fla.) Police & Firefighters Retirement System is considering
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
PennSERS Commits To Private Equity, Real Estate
The $28 billion Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System hired eight managers today to
Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
UPDATE: Colo. Fire & Police Initiate Real Estate Consultant Search

Following up on an RFP reported in FINdaily on Monday, the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado has issued an RFP for a real estate consultant for due diligence.

Real Estate Alternatives
Philadelphia To Add Real Estate, Absolute Return
The $4.3 billion Philadelphia Board of Pensions & Retirement will start looking to invest in
Real Estate
Ventura County May Increase Real Estate
The $2.5 billion Ventura County Employees’ Retirement Association will discuss whether to increase
Real Estate Consultant/OCIO/Discretionary
Colo. Fire & Police Initiate Real Estate Consultant Search
The $2.9 billion Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado is searching for a real estate
Real Estate Non-U.S. & Global Equity
East Bay Approves Allocations; Expects to Search
The $725 million East Bay Municipal Utility District Employees Retirement System approved target
Real Estate Alternatives Private Equity
Penn. School Commits to Real Estate, Private Equity
The Pennsylvania Public School Employees” Retirement System made commitments of up to $828 million
Domestic Equity Real Estate
Fresno County Eyes Cash Overlay; Seeking Real Estate
The $2.7 billion Fresno County Employees Retirement Association has begun looking into a potential