The university added a real estate commitment with an existing manager and fully liquidated a high-yield fixed-income strategy after a decade in the endowment.
The plan made private credit, private equity and real estate commitments at recent investment committee meetings.
The plan hired two firms that will target emerging and diverse private equity, real estate and private credit managers.
Plan hired an international value mandate to fill replace a manager terminated at the end of 2021.
The plan disclosed various private markets commitments at its board meeting last week.
The plan will interview two firms next month to handle nearly $200 million.
The plan disclosed various recent private markets commitments at its board meeting today.
The plans are looking to fill real estate and international equity mandates totaling $22.5 million.
The plan will also eliminate its long/short equity portfolio.
The plan committed $130 million total to four existing managers and one new manager in June.