Real Estate

Southeast Plan Hires Infrastructure Mgr., Discloses Commitments

The plan hired an infrastructure manager and committed $1.5 billion in the second quarter.

Real Estate
Northeast Plan Issues Real Estate RFP

The search is for North American value-add and opportunistic real estate funds.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northeast Plan Discloses Commitments

The plan hired a new global equity manager to handle a $500 million mandate and added 13 other commitments last month.

Michigan Plan Slates Real Estate, PE Search Reviews

Plan will review non-core real estate and private equity search reports provided by general investment consultant AndCo Consulting next month.

Real Estate
Northeast Plan Mulling RE Commitment

The plan will revisit discussions regarding a potential $15 million real estate commitment at a future board meeting.

Private Equity
Southwest Plan Slates PE Emerging Mgr. Search

The plan initiated a search for a private equity emerging manager to fill a commitment capped at $10 million and completed a core real estate search this week.

Real Estate
New England Plan Seeking Real Estate Managers

The search is open to core and core-plus real estate managers.

Real Estate
Florida Plans Add Real Estate Manager

The city’s three pension plans added a second core real estate manager in May.

Calif. County Plan Discloses Private Markets Commitments

The commitments to the two managers totaled $200 million.

Real Estate
Great Lakes Institution Considers RE Commitment; Discloses Alts. Commitments

The university will consider a real estate commitment with a new firm after disclosing follow-on commitments to existing venture capital, private equity and real estate fund managers.
