The commitment appears to represent a new relationship for the university.
Plan added $30 million across two real estate commitments with existing manager relationships.
Plan committed $100 million total to a new credit manager and an existing real estate manager yesterday.
Plan will take a deep dive of the international equity space for potential options after placing a EAFE value firm on watch today.
The plan terminated an underperforming manager and added three private markets commitments.
Brasa Real Estate Fund II closed with $450 million in commitments.
Plan will interview three finalists in a search to fill a $20 million allocation next month.
Plan’s private equity and real estate committees considered adding three commitments totaling $170 million last week.
Plan hired a new fixed-income manager to handle an initial $350 million mandate and disclosed six other commitments last month.
Terminated firm had been placed on watch for performance reasons last month.