Real Estate

Asset Study/Review
Southern Fund Considers Increasing RE Investment

The fund will consider increasing its investment with an existing real estate manager this summer as its target to the asset class is significantly underweight.

Real Assets
Midwest Plan Slates Real Assets Equity Search; Shakes Up Domestic Equity Portfolio

Plan may conduct a non-core real assets manager search in the third quarter and recently simplified its domestic equity portfolio.

Northwest Plan Adds Commitments; Discloses New Investment Officer

Plan added up to $1.6 billion in private equity and real estate commitments and disclosed a new private equity investment officer hire.

Real Estate
Great Lakes University Considers Additional Commitment To RE Manager

The university will consider committing additional capital to an existing real estate strategy as the firm eyes a more robust opportunity set than anticipated and prefers to increase the size of the fund rather than raise a new one.

Credit/Private Debt
Michigan Plan Slates Direct Lending Fund Review

Plan will review two funds previously narrowed from a direct lending search presented in February.

Real Estate
Midwest Plan To Conduct RE Manager Search

Plan will seek a real estate manager to diversify its portfolio.

People Moves
Bell Partners Taps Research & Data Analytics Senior V.P.

She will lead the company’s research and data analytics capabilities.

Real Estate
Texas Hoses Plan Mulling Real Estate Commitment

Plan’s consultant is recommending a value-add commitment in 2022 or 2023.

Texas Plan Adds Commitments

Plan approved $125 million in new commitments in March.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Eastern Plan Mulls Replacing EME Mgr.; Discloses Commitments

Plan’s board considered terminating an emerging markets value equity manager and disclosed several alternative commitments and manager terminations last month.
