The city employees plan has an unfilled 7% target to emerging markets equity.
A state investment board in the Pacific Northwest approved a 2022 private equity pacing plan.
The plan made a real estate commitment with a new manager and approved a 2022 pacing plan.
A university in the South will hear a recommendation from its general investment consultant to make private market commitments with three new and one existing manager within its endowment at its meeting today.
The plan will conduct three manager searches in the next three to six months.
Plan terminated its domestic small-cap value equity manager due to the firm’s investment team spinning out to form a new entity.
The plan made new private equity and real estate commitments.
Plan approved a new asset allocation as continues work toward separating its assets from the state’s division of investment.
Plan added $40 million in value-add real estate commitments last week to help reach its 15% target to the overall asset class.
Plan disclosed $412.5 million in recent alternatives commitments.