Real Estate

Real Assets
Southern Plan Adds Farmland Mgrs.

The plan hired two farmland managers at today’s board meeting.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan To Consider Overseas Equity Portfolio Changes

The plan will consider shifting its active international large-cap equity manager to a passive option this week.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
New England Plan Slates $1B To Emerging/Diverse Managers

The plan will hire five emerging managers-of-managers to oversee $1 billion.

People Moves
GTIS Partners Hires Senior Acquisitions Director

She will help grow the firm’s for-sale residential investment platform.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. Plan Mulling Global Credit Allocation

Plan is mulling a new allocation to global credit as part of a review of its fixed-income portfolio.

Real Estate
Midwest Guns Plan Approves Core Real Estate Mgr.

Plan approved maintaining its core real estate exposure with an inherited relationship.

Credit/Private Debt
Florida Plan Adds REIT Investment

Plan approved a $10 million investment in an agricultural REIT strategy this week.

Asset Study/Review
Southeast Plan Approves New A/A

Plan added several new asset classes as part of asset allocation targets approved at today’s board meeting.

Real Estate
Calif. City Taps New RE Consultant; Approves Private Markets Pacing Plan

A California pension plan hired a new real estate consultant and approved a private equity and infrastructure pacing plan today.

Passive Equity
West Coast Plan Slates Passive Mgr. Search

Plan will see a firm for passive U.S. and non-U.S. equities, fixed-income and real assets investment management services.
