A California plan concluded its private real estate search with the hire of two managers.
REIT manager offers quantitative assessment for ESG across its platforms.
Plan will conduct a search for high-yield fixed-income managers due to impending contract expirations and hired a new general investment consultant.
The plan issued a real estate consultant RFP yesterday as part of normal business practices.
A Northeastern church pension plan added private equity, real estate and high-yield fixed-income investments during its June board meeting.
Palmira Capital Partners has appointed a head of sustainability to lead its ESG team and ensure that ESG criteria are observed in investment decisions, in asset management and in the corporate environment.
The plan is conducting a search for its $6 billion core fixed-income portfolio.
The plan approved a new real estate commitment at last week’s board meeting.
The plan approved four private equity commitments and a real estate commitment.
The plan concluded an international large-cap growth equity manager search and approved a fiscal year 2022 real estate pacing plan.