The city is considering consolidating its two deferred compensations plans into a single one.
The retirement system divvied up $12 million between two private equity co-investment funds-of-funds.
The plan also hired an active domestic large-cap core equity manager at today’s board meeting.
The plan hired two firms after interviewing three finalists last month.
The plan hired two core real estate managers following finalist interviews yesterday.
The plan also adopted a new strategic asset allocation at its board meeting this week.
The town has three pension plans with $17 million in total assets.
The retirement system approved a private equity fund-of-funds commitment to an existing manager relationship at yesterday’s board meeting.
Incumbent RVK will see its contract expire on Dec. 31.
The fund will consider committing additional capital to two recently-hired managers within its portfolio at a special board meeting on March 5 after its original meeting on Feb. 19 was cancelled due to a winter storm.