Searches And Hires

Rocky Mountain District Taps First DC Investment Advisor

The district issued an RFP in May as the plans had not previously utilized an advisor.

Hedge Funds
New England University Liquidates Global Hedge Fund

The university fully liquidated a hedge fund investment within its endowment in the fourth quarter and reinvested the proceeds in a money market fund.

Midwest University Adds Alternative Strategies

The institution approved new hedge fund, private equity and venture capital commitments in the fourth quarter.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast Foundation Issues Endowment Management RFP

The foundation has issued an RFP seeking a firm to provide endowment management and gift administration services for its portfolio.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Mid-Atlantic Foundation Issues Investment Mgmt., Advisory RFP

The foundation has issued an RFP seeking firms to manage and advise on its funds and investments as well as help with the development of an investment policy.

Calif. Pension Plan Issues Specialized Consultants RFP

The pension plan expects to conclude the search at its June 12 board of investments meeting.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Rocky Mountain Fire Authority Hires New DC Record Keeper

MissionSquare Retirement previously provided record keeping and administrative services for the authority’s plans.

Private Equity
Illinois Pension Eyes Private Equity RFP

The plan will consider a recommendation to conduct an RFP for one to two buyout/special situations fund commitments next year.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Va. 457 Plan Taps New Record Keeper

The town has hired a new record keeper for its deferred compensation plan.

Private Equity
Rocky Mountain Pension Bolsters PE Portfolio

The pension plan made two private equity commitments in August for pacing purposes.
