Searches And Hires

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
West Coast City Seeking Pension Trust Administrator, Investment Manager

The city is searching for a firm to administer and provide investment management services for its pension trust.

Private Equity
Midwest Pension Plan Adds PE Commitment

The pension plan disclosed a private equity commitment made last month at yesterday’s board meeting.

Midwest Pension Makes Infrastructure Commitment

The plan made an up to $50 million commitment to an existing relationship at its meeting last week.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Pension Posts International Small-Cap Equity RFP

The plan will also issue RFPs for global fixed-income and domestic small-cap core equity managers.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
Northeast Pension Begins Int’l Small-Cap Search

The plan currently has two international small-cap equity managers.

Calif. Pension Plan Slates Specialized Consultants RFP

The search will be conducted due to the upcoming contract expiration of incumbent Albourne.

MRI/Social Investments
Southern Endowment Issues Impact Investment RFP

The endowment has issued an RFP seeking companies, funds or projects for its new impact investment program.

New England 529 Plan Seeks Investment Consultant

The plan is searching for an investment consultant to assess its investment, advise on investment policy and provide input and analysis on investment options.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Midwest Pension Eyes EMD, EME Searches

The plan is tentatively scheduled to search for active management in emerging market debt and emerging markets equity next year.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Western Foundation Extends Investment Advisor RFP Deadline

The foundation has extended the deadline for proposals in its search for investment advisory and management services for its endowment and income funds to Dec. 19.
