The pension plan is seeking several managers to handle a yet-to-be-determined mandate.
The plan also named finalists in its private credit manager search.
The plan is issuing the RFP due to the impending expiration of current contracts.
The plan will interview four finalists later this month in its domestic large-cap value equity manager search.
The structure review calls for the plan to make $1.5 billion in real assets commitments this year.
The university has hired a discretionary investment consultant after conducting an invitation-only RFP process that began in the second quarter of 2023.
The university has selected a new investment consultant for its retirement plan assets following a search from the second quarter.
The agency is looking for firms to help build and implement a bond and direct lending clean energy fund.
The institution retained its investment consultant to oversee its endowment funds following a search due to the incumbent’s contract expiration.
The university made private infrastructure, growth equity and venture capital commitments within its endowment during the third and fourth quarters.