Searches And Hires

Private Equity
Northwest Pension Plan Approves PE Pacing; Places Mgrs. On Watch

The pension plan aims to commit $700 million to private equity next year and placed three managers on watch at its board meeting last week.

Domestic Equity
Northeast State Plan To Issue Equity, Fixed-Income, Balanced RFPs

The RFPs will seek managers to handle 10 different strategies.

New England Pension Axes Small-Cap Growth Mgr.

The termination was due to underperformance.

Real Assets
Midwest Pension Plan Terminates Timber & Farmland Managers

The pension plan will liquidate its $227.5 million timber mandate and $106.4 million farmland mandate due to underperformance.

Administrator/Record Keeper
Calif. County 457 Slates Record Keeper RFP

The deferred compensation plan will issue a record keeper RFP due to the upcoming contract expiration of its incumbent provider.

Credit/Private Debt
Mid-Atlantic Pension Plan Bolsters Credit Portfolio

The pension plan recently committed to an existing credit manager.

Real Estate
Midwest Pension Plan Adds Private Markets Commitments

The pension plan committed $140 million total to two managers yesterday.

Private Equity
Northeast Pension Issues Private Equity RFP

The search is open to fund-of-funds, co-investments and private debt strategies.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
New England Institution Issues Investment Mgmt. RFP

The institution is seeking firms to manage its investment portfolio, including researching, selecting and monitoring managers.

Great Lakes Institution Adds Follow-On Private Equity, Natural Resources Commitments

The university disclosed follow-on commitments with existing private equity and natural resources managers within its long-term portfolio made in the third quarter.
