The plan will consider issuing a general investment consultant RFP due to an upcoming contract expiration.
The plans recently replaced a domestic mid-cap growth equity manager due to underperformance and hired a sustainable equity manager.
The more than $5 billion plan is looking for a general investment consultant to review investment performance and the investment lineup as well as assist with manager searches and selection.
The investment advisor will serve for an initial three-year term with the option to renew for two additional one-year terms.
The plan will withdraw prior to the fund’s closure in December.
The new investment consultant was hired last week following a search that was relaunched in May.
The plan will search for a firm to review its RFP process impacted by recent legislation.
The plan approved retaining up to $10 billion in liquid markets exposure through the program at its investment committee meeting yesterday.
The new consultant was hired at a board meeting today following an invitation-only search initiated earlier this year.
The two finalists were selected yesterday and will interview with the plan’s board in November.