The plan elevated its core-plus bond manager to watch status.
The plan made real estate and infrastructure commitments at a meeting this month.
The firm will serve as the plan’s maiden investment consultant.
The plan has narrowed a search to nine international small-cap managers for interviews with staff and its consultant.
The retirement systems will interview three finalists in its general investment consultant search at a special joint meeting next week.
The investment advisor will provide guidance in the management of the city’s approximately $53.7 million investment portfolio.
The plan’s domestic large-cap portfolio will now be passively managed.
The pension plan made a private credit commitment to an existing manager relationship last week.
The retirement system approved a $35 million commitment to a middle market senior loan fund at its board meeting yesterday.
The fund approved the addition of an upper middle market direct lending manager as its general investment consultant viewed the strategy as complementary to existing managers in the portfolio.