Searches And Hires

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Northeast Plan Terminates Global Equity Mgr.; Discloses Commitments

The plan liquidated a global equity mandate and made $1.5 billion in total commitments in July.

Real Estate
Mid-Atlantic Plan Conducting Core Real Estate Search

The search is to potentially replace an incumbent manager due to performance concerns.

New England Plan Begins Fixed-Income, Equity Searches

The plan is required to go out to bid every seven years.

Real Estate
Midwest Pension Plan Makes RE, Credit Commitments

The pension plan committed $125 million to new and existing manager relationships last week.

Calif. 457 Plan Posts Consultant RFP

The plan most recently renewed its general investment consultant contract in August 2022.

New England Plan Relaunches Consultant Search

The plan is relaunching the search due to “issues” with its previous RFP.

Real Estate
Eastern Pension Plan Mulls Commitments; Bolsters Credit Portfolio

The plan’s real estate committee received four investment recommendations on Wednesday and approved a commitment in May.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest College Foundation Seeks Investments Manager

The foundation has issued an RFP for an investment manager to oversee its portfolio as part of a due diligence review of the marketplace and its incumbent is allowed to rebid.

Passive Equity
Rocky Mountain 457 Plan Replaces Index Fund Managers

The plan replaced both its passive equity and fixed-income mandates with Vanguard Group as well as its sustainable equity mandate with Neuberger Berman in May.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Southeast County Retains Investment Advisor

The county received two proposals in response to an investment advisor RFP issued in March due to its incumbent’s contract expiration.
