The pension plan recently committed approximately $2.2 billion total to eight funds and terminated an existing credit strategy.
The plan intends to issue RFPs for active core fixed-income and domestic small-cap value equity managers next month.
The plan has not made a new commitment to private equity since 2014.
The county expects to select a firm at its Oct. 9 governing committee meeting.
The plan is looking to hire a small- to mid-cap growth equity manager to handle $85 million.
The plan ended a 30-year relationship with a core-plus bond manager after changes from recent meetings reported out of closed session.
The search is being conducted to comply with state regulations.
The retirement system made $275 million in new alternatives commitments in recent months.
The selection firm will provide services such as administration, record keeping and investments.
The plan’s current consultant was hired in 2016 following a similar search.