Searches And Hires

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Texas County Launches Investment Advisor Search

The county last a search for the services in 2019.

Southwest Plan Hires High-Yield, Private Markets Mgrs.

The plan hired several managers at its board meeting today, totaling more than $1 billion.

Real Estate
New England Pension Adds Opportunistic RE Commitments

The commitments conclude a real estate search that began last year.

Private Equity
Midwest Pension Plan Makes PE Commitments

The commitments are part of general investment consultant Callan’s 2024 private equity pacing and reinvestments model.

Credit/Private Debt
Great Plains Fund Considers Distressed Credit Commitment As Part Of Asset Class Buildout

The fund is slated to consider adding a new private credit manager to its portfolio at its board meeting this week as it is underweight its target to the asset class by more than $300 million.

Great Lakes University Adds Credit, VC Commitments To New Firms

The university approved adding long/short credit and venture capital commitments with new investment managers at its September board meeting.

Asset Study/Review
Western University Foundation Removes Allocation To SPACs; Adds New Commitments

The foundation amended its asset allocation policy, removing its allocation to special purpose acquisition company assets, and added several commitments within its endowment during its second quarter investment committee meeting.

Domestic Equity
Northeast Pension To Issue Mid-Cap, Small-Cap RFPs

The plan has current managers in the two asset classes.

Midwest Pension Fires Fixed-Income Mgr.

The plan terminated an opportunistic mandate for performance reasons last week.

Real Assets
Northwest Pension Plan Approves Real Assets Investment Plan, Slates Searches

The pension plan will conduct two manager searches after approving a fiscal year 2024 real assets investment plan.
