Plan is eyeing searches for active emerging market debt and private markets secondaries strategies following initial discussion earlier this month.
The plan last conducted a similar search in 2017.
The foundation is seeking a firm to oversee and administer its investment portfolio as well as develop and maintain its investment policy.
The university approved private equity, real estate and venture capital commitments with new and existing managers within its endowment toward the end of the second quarter.
The plan is looking to commit $100 million to a newly established credit hedge fund.
The plan last conducted a similar search in 2016.
The investment consultant will be responsible for a pension plan and an OPEB trust.
The plan will invest a total of $35 million with two farmland funds.
The pension plan will consider hiring two domestic large-cap growth equity managers later this month as part of an ongoing shortlist search.
The plan added a commitment to a firm’s sixth fund in a series after previous commitments to the preceding two funds.