The city’s deferred compensation plan currently has three investment consultants.
The municipality expects to award a contract within 45 calendar days.
The plan’s incumbent was rehired in 2015 following a similar RFP process.
The retirement system conducted a similar search in 2016 when it rehired its incumbent manager.
The plan hired a manager to implement its maiden 3% target to private debt as part of a new asset allocation policy in March.
The district received four proposals in response to its investment advisor RFQ.
The plan is seeking buyout, growth equity and venture capital strategies.
The plan replaced both its passive equity and fixed-income mandates with Vanguard Group as well as its sustainable equity mandate with Neuberger Berman in February.
The plan recently committed $245 million total to two private equity managers and one hedge fund manager.
The firm will be tasked with assisting on an upcoming record keeper search.