Searches And Hires

Domestic Equity
Calif. City 457 Plan Shakes Up Equity, Fixed-Income Portfolios

The deferred compensation plan terminated two domestic equity managers and an intermediate core-plus bond manager in the third quarter.

Texas Pension Posts Private Markets Consultant RFP

The retirement system issued an RFI for the services last year and does not currently utilize a dedicated consultant for private markets.

Credit/Private Debt
Calif. Pension Eyes Credit, Real Estate Commitments

The pension plan will consider approving one credit and three real estate commitments totaling $180 million at its Jan. 9 investment committee meeting.

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Pension Begins Int’l Growth, Value Equity Searches

The retirement system has issued two RFPs in accordance with state regulatory requirements.

Southeast County Rehires Fixed-Income Managers

The county rehired its two domestic fixed-income managers to handle a portion of its operating and sales tax portfolios last month.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Mid-Atlantic Pension Seeking EME Small-Cap Mgrs.

The retirement system is seeking firms to handle an allocation ranging between $200 million and $400 million.

Real Assets
Mid-Atlantic Plans Conclude Farmland Manager Search

The farmland manager will handle mandates totaling $28 million for two pension plans.

Virginia Pension Issues Consultant RFP

The retirement system expects to conclude the search at a May 9 board meeting.

Domestic Equity
Southeast County Pension Shakes Up U.S. Equity Portfolio

The retirement system transitioned its passive domestic equity mandates with BlackRock to active management in the third quarter.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Texas Pension Slates Int’l Equity Mgr. Presentations

The retirement system will hear from three international value equity managers at next month’s board meeting.
