Searches And Hires

Rocky Mountain DC Plans Review ESG Mgr. Search; Shake Up Equity Portfolio

The plans were slated to receive an ESG manager search book this week and made several changes to their passive equity portfolio last month.

Private Equity
Southern Health System Considering PE Secondary Commitment

The system was expected to review three private equity secondary fund-of-funds managers for its portfolio this week after beginning consideration of the strategies late last year.

Western 529 Plan Retains Investment, Industry Consultants Following Searches

The plan opted to retain its incumbent investment consultant and 529 industry consultant following searches from the first quarter due to the contract expirations of each firm.

Hedge Funds
Northeast Plan Restructuring Risk Mitigating Strategies Portfolio

The plan will add six managers to the portfolio over the next six to nine months in a restructuring that will also see staggered terminations.

Southwest Authority Issues Investment Consultant RFP

The investment consultant will advise on a new venture capital program.

Southwest Plan Approves Alternative Commitments

The commitments include two new manager relationships.

Domestic Equity
Mid-Atlantic Plan Hires Large-Cap Growth Mgr.

The hire concludes the plan’s search to replace Allspring Global Investments, which was terminated last year due to underperformance.

Private Equity
Midwest Plan Makes Commitments

The plan committed $134.4 million total to three investment managers last week.

Credit/Private Debt
Virginia Plan Adds Private Markets Commitments; Appoints Interim ED/CIO

The plan made private markets commitments totaling $15.8 million and appointed an executive director/cio last month.

Multi-Asset/Investment Advisor
Midwest Foundation Issues Investment Manager RFP

The foundation is searching for an investment manager to invest its portfolio and develop strategies that align with liquidity, risk and income criteria.
