Searches And Hires

International / Global / Emerging Markets
New England Plan Begins Emerging Market Debt Manager Search

The plan first hired managers for the asset class in 2015.

Emerging/Diverse Managers
Northwest Fund To End In-State Emerging Mgr. Program

The plan will not commit any additional capital to the program due to potential issues, including conflicts of interest and lack of transparency.

Calif. County Makes Follow-On Commitments

The plan committed to new funds with two existing managers.

West Coast Plan To Hire New General Investment Consultant

The plan’s incumbent consultant was first hired in 2015.

Calif. County To Issue Alternative Risk Premia RFI

The plan recently terminated its risk premia manager due to investment process and performance concerns.

Non-U.S. & Global Equity
Texas Plan Narrows Global Growth Equity Search

Plan intends to issue an RFP to seven to 10 firms in June after narrowing the universe to 15 potential candidates through screening.

Calif. Plan Makes Real Assets, PE Commitments

The plan committed up to $600 million to a new real assets manager this week and was informed of three co-investments.

Passive Fixed-Income
Eastern Plan Swaps TIPS Mgrs.; Approves Credit Commitment

The plan replaced its passive TIPS mandate with BlackRock and committed to a new credit manager last month.

Asset Study/Review
Rocky Mountain Plan Adopts New Asset Allocation

The plan increased its fixed-rate debt target by reducing its public equity target last month.

Searches And Hires
Midwest 529 Adds Real Estate, Int’l Equity Strategies

The fund added a global real estate strategy and passive international equity strategy with a New England-based firm to its roster of underlying funds to add more yield and reduce overall fees.
