The plan is looking to create a pool of consultants to advise its investment office across all asset classes.
The plan added two core-plus fixed-income managers to the portfolio and made 11 alternatives commitments in the first quarter.
The plan last conducted an investment consultant search in 2019.
The plan sees fixed-income opportunities in the decarbonization of the economy.
The plan is conducting a general investment consultant services search for a contact slated to start on July 1.
The plan made follow-on commitments totaling $925 million.
The hospital has issued an RFP seeking an investment consultant for its portfolio, which is divided between three advisors.
The plan approved a consultant recommendation to replace its domestic large-cap growth equity manager last quarter.
The consultant will help the city prepare a scope of services for an RFP to consolidate its five deferred compensation plan providers.
The plan agreed to utilize a fund-of-one manager to implement its maiden private credit allocation and hired a short-duration fixed-income manager this week.